Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The true meaning of Christmas!

There is a big controversy about believing in Santa. And it really makes me sad that people get so angry about it.  Some are so for having their children believe in Santa that they get mad at those that dont. On the other hand, the ones that don't believe in Santa judge the others that do. All of this really takes away from the true meaning of Christmas.

There is a way to do both, I believe. We tell our children the truth about Santa, as soon as they ask, but we still make-believe together. We still talk about what the kids want Santa to bring. They still leave cookies out for him. We still say, “you better go to bed, or Santa wont be able to come”. Its still fun and magical, without having to lie to them. I also tell them that Santa is a symbol of love and service, and that there are many “Santa’s” that want to serve children. When we serve others, we are serving Jesus. It really goes hand in hand if you teach it right. Santa doesn’t have to be competition to Jesus. I really like how you are fine with what other families choose to do, because not everyone is like that. Some have gotten so upset with me and think I am a horrible mother when they find out that we tell our children the truth. I dont think the original Santa, St Nick, or Jesus would be happy with that attitude. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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